The purpose of this in-class lab is to use R to practice with time series forecasting. The lab should be completed in your group. To get credit, upload your .R script to the appropriate place on Canvas.
Open up a new R script (named ICL14_XYZ.R
, where XYZ
are your initials) and add the usual “preamble” to the top:
# Add names of group members HERE
library(lubridate) # This package converts dates to a special date numbering system
library(fable) # This one may take awhile to install
library(feasts) # You also need to install this one
library(urca) # and this one
First we’ll look at the return on a 3-month treasury bill over the period of 1960q1–1990q4. Second, we’ll read in Google’s and Apple’s stock price data from January 3, 2005 until April 4, 2022.
# T-bill rates by quarter
df1 <- as_tibble(intqrt)
df1 %<>% mutate(quarter = seq(yq('1960:Q1'),yq('1990:Q4'), by = 'quarters')) # create quarter
df1 %<>% select(r3,quarter)
# Stock prices
df2 <- pdfetch_YAHOO(c("goog","aapl"), fields = c("adjclose"),
from = as.Date("2005-01-01"),
to = as.Date("2022-04-04"),
interval = "1d") %>% %>% rownames_to_column(var="date") %>%
as_tibble %>% mutate(date=ymd(date)) # create date variable
df1 %<>% as_tsibble(index=quarter)
df2 %<>% as_tsibble(index=date) %>% # aggregate from daily to weekly
index_by(year_week = yearweek(date)) %>%
summarize(goog = mean(goog, na.rm=TRUE),
aapl = mean(aapl, na.rm=TRUE))
Let’s have a look at the 3-month T-bill return for the US over the period 1960–1990:
autoplot(df1) + xlab("Year") + ylab("T-bill return")
## Plot variable not specified, automatically selected `.vars = r3`
And now the Google adjusted closing price:
autoplot(df2) + xlab("Year") + ylab("Price")
## Plot variable not specified, automatically selected `.vars = goog`
Let’s test for a unit root in each of the time series. The way to do this is the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, which is available as adf.test()
in the tseries
The function tests \(H_0: \text{Unit Root}, H_a: \text{Stationary}\).
adf.test(df1$r3, k=1)
adf.test(df2$goog, k=1)
## Warning in adf.test(df2$goog, k = 1): p-value greater than printed p-value
adf.test(df2$aapl, k=1)
## Warning in adf.test(df2$aapl, k = 1): p-value greater than printed p-value
To alternatively examine the unit root, we can estimate AR(1) models for each series:
est.tbill <- lm(r3 ~ lag(r3,1), data=df1) <- lm(goog ~ lag(goog,1), data=df2)
est.aapl <- lm(aapl ~ lag(aapl,1), data=df2)
Now let’s use our time series data to forecast future stock prices. First, we should create a shortened version of the time series so we can compare our forecast to actual data:
df2.short <- df2 %>% filter(year_week<yearweek("2022-01-01")) <- lm(difference(goog) ~ lag(difference(goog)), data=df2)
simple.aapl <- lm(difference(aapl) ~ lag(difference(aapl)), data=df2)
which is estimating \[ \Delta goog_t = \rho \Delta goog_{t-1} + u_t \]
We can also use the ARIMA
function in the fable
package to allow the computer to choose the best ARIMA model: <- ARIMA(df2.short$goog)
auto.aapl <- ARIMA(df2.short$aapl)
We can compare the 90-day-ahead (12-week-ahead) forecasts of each model by looking at their plots:
df2 %>%
arima = ARIMA(goog),
snaive = SNAIVE(goog)
) %>%
forecast(h=12) %>% autoplot(filter(df2, year(year_week)>2020),level = NULL)