The purpose of this in-class lab is to practice conducting joint hypothesis tests of regression parameters in R. We will do this using t-tests and F-tests. The lab may be completed in your group, but each group member should submit their own copy. To get credit, upload your .R script to the appropriate place on Canvas.
Open up a new R script (named ICL8_XYZ.R
, where XYZ
are your initials) and add the usual “preamble” to the top:
# Add names of group members HERE
We’ll use a data set on earnings and ability, called htv
. The data set contains a sample of 1,230 workers.
df <- as_tibble(htv)
Check out what’s in the data by typing
The main variables we’re interested in are: wages, education, ability, parental education, and region of residence (ne
, nc
, west
, and south
Let’s start by creating a factor variable from the four regional dummies. Borrowing code from lab 6, we have:
df %<>% mutate(region = case_when(ne==1 ~ "Northeast",
nc==1 ~ "NorthCentral",
west==1 ~ "West",
south==1 ~ "South")) %>%
mutate(region = factor(region))
Estimate the following regression model: \[
educ = \beta_0 + \beta_1 motheduc + \beta_2 fatheduc + \beta_3 abil + \beta_4 abil^2 + \beta_5 region + u
\] Note that \(abil\) is in standard deviation units. You will need to use a mutate()
function to create \(abil^2\) (not shown here). Call it abilsq
. \(region\) represents the factor variable you created above.1
est <- lm(educ ~ motheduc + fatheduc + abil + abilsq + region, data=df)
function in the car
package:linearHypothesis(est, "motheduc = fatheduc")
The resulting p-value is that of an F test, but one would get an identical result by using a t-test, since this is a simple hypothesis (see Wooldridge (2015), pp. 125-126).
The p-values from the previous regression might indicate that the three region dummies don’t contribute to education.
The code to do this again comes from the linearHypothesis()
function. The syntax is to encolose each component hypothesis in quotes and then surround them with c()
, which is how R creates vectors.
linearHypothesis(est, c("regionNortheast=0", "regionSouth=0", "regionWest =0"))
or, more simply,
linearHypothesis(est, matchCoefs(est,"region"))
Alternatively, you can perform the F-test as follows (no need to put this in your R-script; I’m just showing you how to do it “by hand”):
est.restrict <- lm(educ ~ motheduc + fatheduc + abil + abilsq, data=df)
Fstat.numerator <- (deviance(est.restrict)-deviance(est))/3
Fstat.denominator <- deviance(est)/1222
Fstat <- Fstat.numerator/Fstat.denominator
p.value <- 1-pf(Fstat,3,1222)
This gives the exact same answer as the linearHypothesis()
Here the notation of \(\beta_5 region\) is not quite right. It more technically should be written \(\beta_5 region.NE + \beta_6 region.S + \beta_7 region.W\), where each of the \(region.X\) variables is a dummy. The way it is written above, \(\beta_5 region\) implies that \(\beta_5\) is a vector, not a scalar.↩︎